We are a family run company, based in South Devon. We were formally known as 'TheOneStopPoolShop' and have over 20 years of experience in the industry. We cover all aspects of your Swimming Pool and Spa well being. If you have any queries no matter how big or small please feel free to call, email visit our main website or office and show room...

Thursday, 19 March 2009

New Product

We recieved this sample product to try out 'Neutral Multi Purpose Scum Line Cleaner' from Champion. Having cleaned out a hot tub that had been left for a year, and it comming up pretty great we will have a full stock instore as of tomorow...

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

First Blog...

So... this is our blog. We will do our best to keep you up to date with everything new and exciting we're up to....
Most noteably We're Moving and as you can see by the title of this blog we are now called the 'DEVON POOL COMPANY' this is pretty much due to people thinking we are just a shop... WHICH WE'RE NOT. We will now be operating out of Modbury (Unit 7, New Mills Industrial Estate, Modbury, Devon) We are here to take care of all of your pool and spa needs, from construction to cleaning. We will, have a range of new of Spas in our new showroom from the newly joined Spaform/Tueco who are now operating out of Italy...
We will be keeping stock of all our swimming pool chemicals as well as introducing a full range from Champion... We will also be keeping a range of cleaning equipment/pool toys and games/spa fragrances and pool accessories. Please feel free to phone (01752) 698364 or pop in... kind regards from us at what was the one stop pool shop